I am feeling creatively "stuck". I don't know why. Just stuck!
I want so much to be able to creatively express myself. Some days it comes so easily. Lately, not so much. Perhaps I am putting too much pressure on myself to find the perfect expression of a subject. I want to branch out...I want to spread my wings and push myself in new directions. The artist in me wants these things. The perfectionist in me fights with the artist in me.
I wonder...are the two mutually exclusive?
There are those artists, of which I am not, that can completely create with reckless and careless abandon, allowing their free thoughts to express themselves effortlessly.
There are other artists, of which I am probably more like, who enjoy control of their medium and subject taking great care to express their passion in great detail.
I look at the art created by both....and of all the artists who fall in between these
categories...and I appreciate their love of life and their fearless expression of that passion.
For now....I'll relax...perhaps study some of my favorite artists...enjoy my weekend...until I'm
Have a fabulous weekend.